
Prices are based on different room options.
Please keep in mind that there is only a limited amount of each room category available.

The conference fee varies based on the following room options:

  • double room
  • conference fee: please contact our secretary
  • Fully booked!
  • 3-5 bed room
  • conference fee: please contact our secretary
  • Fully booked!
  • dorm room (6-8 people)
  • conference fee: please contact our secretary
  • Fully booked!

If you have special room requirements, please contact

All bank charges must be paid by the participant. Any additional payments or refunds for overpayments will be handled in cash at the time of check-in.

If you are not a lifetime member of the European IFYE Association, you must also pay the annual fee of 20 EUR together with the conference fee. For further details, please refer to The Blue Booklet of the European IFYE Alumni Association, Point 5 (Finance):

The conference t-shirt can be ordered as part of the registration. The cost of 25 EUR for the t-shirt must be added to your conference fee.

Payment details

You can pay the conference fee (and T-shirt and annual fee if needed) to the Austrian IFYE organisation with the information below:

Account holder name: IFYE Alumni Austria
IBAN: AT86 3834 6000 0258 0470

Bank address
Raiffeisenbank Aichfeld eGen
Kaerntner Strasse 2
8720 Knittelfeld

Address of IFYE Alumni Austria
IFYE Alumni Austria
Schauflergasse 6
1015 Wien

Please include your full name in the payment reference.

We will send a separate enquiry form about the tours and activities for the participants in good time before the conference.

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